Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gov. Bryant: 'I Will Resist Medicaid Expansion'

 — After weeks of dancing around the issue, Gov. Phil Bryant announced his intention to resist expanding the state's Medicaid program under the federal Affordable Care Act.
Bryant, a first-term Republican, said he would consider opting out of the expansion when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government couldn't withhold funds from states who declined to go along with the Medicaid overhaul the ACA calls for.
"No matter on what side of the political spectrum you align yourself, when you look at the bottom line of a potential Medicaid expansion in Mississippi, it is clear we cannot afford this enormous burden," Bryant wrote on his official state website Monday. "It would rob our resources for education, public safety and job creation and could very well result in tax increases."
Bryant dismissed the claims of expansion proponents who note the federal will government will pick of the tab for more than 90 percent of states adding more people to the Medicaid rolls.
"Since when did the federal government ever give free money without asking for something in return? After all, some people tend to forget the so-called 'free' money is actually your money," Bryant wrote.
Bryant's solution to the state's healthcare woes include job creation and individual responsibility. He writes:
"(E)ach of us must assume personal responsibility for our own health and our own choices. Living a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a proper diet can help shrink Mississippi’s obesity rate and the chronic diseases like diabetes that accompany it.
"Hazardous activities like smoking erode our health, and we must do all in our power to fight the epidemic of teen pregnancy—an issue that has far-reaching consequences for our state."

via Jackson Free Press

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Treason - the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance…with that defined…follow me.

The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. As an African American male I knew…at that moment the psychological impact that these four years would have on my 11 month old daughter. What seemed impossible to my father, grandfather and myself would be nothing out of the norm for her; her president was black and so was she.

But little did I know…on that same proud day that 66,882,230 million Americans voted to see and millions more patriotically supported, at a private dinner in Washington at the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. steakhouse), top Republican lawmakers and strategists were conjuring up ways to submarine his presidency. So I’m up all night watching inaugural ball after ball, Beyonce singing Etta James’ classic “At Last”, and these guys are plotting on tearing down the guy we are currently lifting up.

The guest list that night (which was just over 15 people in total) included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith.

For several hours they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama's legislative platform. "If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," author Robert Draper ("Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives) quotes McCarthy as saying. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign." Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011. Win the White House and the Senate in 2012. "You will remember this day," Draper reports Newt Gingrich as saying on the way out. "You’ll remember this as the day the seeds of 2012 were sown."

Ok. So I’m still sporting my “Yes We Can” tee, having thoughtful conversations with friends about the impact of this day on our kids and this is what’s happening while we talk. A possible upcoming colorblind generation that will only know of racism and bigotry in textbooks, and this is what the losers of the 2008 election are doing; plotting a way back to power ala Malcolm Little. The month of the inauguration, the US lost 820,000 jobs and you mean to tell me that the guy elected to lead the country out of this mess is being plotted upon for “down the road” political gain; not for the benefit of the American people who at that moment had lost more the 2.6 million jobs; no. not that; but so republicans can gain power once again.

So eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous “No” against Obama’s economic stimulus plan; $831 billion dollars (one third tax cuts) with a primary objective to save and create jobs almost immediately. The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months. Mitch McConnell said in October 2010 that his party's primary goal in the next Congress was to make Obama a one-term president. Oppose the new 2010 health care law even though Obama’s plan was originally their idea in opposition to Clinton’s 1993 proposal. Oppose cap and trade even though Reagan conceived the first cap-and-trade program, Bush 41 passed “The Clean Air Act” in 1990, and while running for president in 2008 John McCain proposed to reduce global warming pollution via a cap-and-trade program. The Dream Act Immigration reform had been touted by Republicans for decades. Their savior Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the 1980′s…Obama likes it; OPPOSE IT. Republicans supported TARP when they helped pass it in response to the economic collapse in 2008. President Bush even signed the legislation into law. But since it’s been up to the guiding hands of President Obama to deal with TARP, Republicans have since revoked their support and have been highly critical even as they take credit for it when presenting stimulus checks to their local constituents. Bail Out of the Auto Industry, Republicans once supported this too but abandoned it once President Obama called for it. Republicans have always believed in strong infrastructure and infrastructure spending, until now. Oppose an extension of unemployment insurance. Oppose Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Oppose Payroll Tax Cut and damn…I thought they loved tax cuts. The Nuclear START Treaty, financial disclosure, deficit spending, environmental protection……..overkill???? Ok…you get it.

At every turn they opposed our president out of sheer politics…nevermind what they may have had in common or Obama’s willingness to latch on to some of their historically supported proposals. Hell no. You like it. We don’t. The worse off the citizens of the United States of America…the more likely they are to blame the current Commander and Chief. For God sake, who will listen to someone explain the plotted demise of a leader step by step, situation by situation. We will just point out the current economic climate, scream failure!!, and hope that inside all that noise…no one will ask us what we have done. Because the true answer is “nothing”…we have done nothing to contribute; we’ve been the opposition…the derailer. We have not operated in the interest of the people. If Obama succeeds, we don’t succeed. You have no need for us, (as McCarthy refered to in “stay in the minority") he will get the credit and admiration…we will be on the sideline. Sure the Nation would be happier, less polarized & divided, Congress’ approval rating wouldn’t be a dismal 17 percent; America back on track BUT WE WANT THE POWER. AND BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

Overt acts, culprits and their willingness to throw the country as a whole under the bus if it means a negatively charged electorate ready to throw out Obama. Its all here. The testicular fortitude they must have to throw around words like “Country First” and “Believe in America” if this is who they really are. It’s induced failure, it’s temporarily absolving oneself from principle for a temporary goal…stepping on America on your way back to the top of America. They really don’t care if you like them, it doesn’t matter…they know their your only alternative.

I Thank God that I pay attention.
Obama 2012.

Nike Air Max 90 Hyperfuse Premium - "Infrared"

The Nike Air Max 90 Hyperfuse "Infrared" will see a retail release this summer, potentially pleasing fans with a very popular Air Max 90 colorway.
According to Overkill, the "Infrared" Air Max 90 Hyperfuse will release on July 27.

Morgan Freeman gives $1 million to Obama super PAC

Actor Morgan Freeman is the newest seven-figure donor to the Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, POLITICO has confirmed.
In a statement, Freeman lauded both the president's record and Priorities USA for its role in the 2012 campaign.
"President Obama has done a remarkable job in historically difficult circumstances.  He ended combat operations in Iraq, put in place sensible reforms of Wall Street, saved the auto industry and protected the health care of every American. He has led our nation to be more tolerant and placed impressive, accomplished women on the Supreme Court. In return, he is the target of hundreds of millions of dollars from right-wing sources," Freeman said. "I am proud to lend my voice — and support — to those who defend him. Priorities USA Action is doing a great job of protecting the values I believe in.  I am happy to help them and I hope others will join me."
The donation comes as Priorities continues to run harsh ads attacking Mitt Romney for his record at Bain Capital and some wealthy potential contributors give the group a second look. Freeman also appears in the superhero movie of the summer, "The Dark Knight Rises," opening this week.
Freeman is a more useful donor, for PR and buzz-generating purposes, than the Hollywood figure to cut a million-dollar check: Bill Maher.
via Politico

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Air Jordan 4 “Fire Red” first released 23 years ago. This summer, sneakerheads will get another chance to purchase this coveted original colorway. Detailed official images of this beloved retro have surfaced, providing a range of unseen angles. This historic pair sticks to its original form of colors as well as materials.
Air Jordan 4
White/Fire Red-Black
August 4, 2012

via Nicekicks

Republicans don't like John Roberts any more

A lot of Republicans don't like John Roberts any more. Since he sided with the majority in the June 28 5 to 4 Supreme Court decision upholding the 2010 health care law, his standing among the GOP has gone down, according to a new Gallup poll.
The July 9-12 survey found Roberts, the chief justice of the Supreme Court, was viewed unfavorably by 44 percent of Republicans, up from 4 percent in September, 2005, after he joined the court.
But now, 27 percent of Republicans viewed him favorably. Among all surveyed, he was seen favorably by 39 percent and unfavorably by 29 percent.

Read more here: http://blogs.mcclatchydc.com/washington/2012/07/a-lot-of-republicans-dont-like-john-roberts-any-more.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://blogs.mcclatchydc.com/washington/2012/07/a-lot-of-republicans-dont-like-john-roberts-any-more.html#storylink=cpy

Obama campaign, DNC sue Ohio over early voting

President Obama's reelection campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party have filed suit in federal court against the state of Ohio to restore early voting.
"Rather than protecting the right to vote, we've seen brazen attempts to undermine it," DNC political director Patrick Gaspard told reporters. "It's a cynical ploy."
Republicans and Democrats in Ohio have been tussling over voting rights rules for most of the last year. Most recently, the legislature ended early voting in the three days before the election — but kept it in place for military voters.
In Obama for America v. Husted, the complaint alleges that distinction between military and nonmilitary voters violates the equal protection clause of the federal constitution.
Ohio was ground zero in 2004 for charges of malfeasance and irregularities and is expected to once again be a razor thin contest. Early voting is generally recognized to benefit Democrats — but the Democrats insists that politics is not at the heart of their complaint.
"It's a chilling notion that we should be opposed to those voting in the final three days because they may or may not vote on our side of the issues," Ohio Democratic Party chairman Chris Redfern told reporters.

via Politico

Nike+ FuelBand 'Ice' + Video

Nike previews the upcoming limited edition 'Ice' FuelBand colorway in video form. The new band is inspired by the translucent outsole of the Nike Air Force 1 and the Ice Trophy earned when you double your daily NikeFuel goal.
The 'Ice' FuelBand will be available on Friday, July 27 at select Nike stores in San Francisco, New York City, and London and online at NikeStore.com on August 12.


Mitt Romney sought to humanize his remarks about the middle class at a fundraiser in Jackson, Miss. earlier tonight, per a pool report:
“I know that people in this room are probably doing relatively well, relative to folks across this country. But not everyone in America is doing so well right now, it’s tough being middle class in America right now. The waiters and waitresses that come in and out of this room and offer us refreshments, they’re not having a good year. The people of the middle class of America are really struggling. And they’re struggling I think in a way because they’re surprised because when they voted for Barack Obama…he promised them that things were going to get a heck a lot of better. He promised hope and change and they’re still waiting."
The construction is awkward, and highlights that the fundraiser was not an average-folks event. That said, the comment is within the frame that Romney has used to describe the disappointment that is real among some voters after the 2008 election.

via Politico

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mitt Romney in Jackson today for fundraiser

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will be in Jackson today for a private fundraising event at the River Hills Club. A Chairman's reception will be held at 5 PM and a general reception for donors at 6 PM.
Romney will also be raising money in Louisiana today.
via WLBT

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Air Jordan 7 Retro - Olympic

Just days before the start of the 2012 London Summer Olympics, the "Olympic" Air Jordan 7 Retro is scheduled to release Saturday, July 21st at select Jordan Brand accounts nationwide.

07/21/2012 Air Jordan Retro 7 "Olympic"
304775-135 White/Metallic Gold-Obsidian-True Red
$160.00 - Men's
$110.00 - Gradeschool
$70.00 - Preschool
$50.00 - Toddler
$42.00 - Infant

Wells Fargo Settles for $175M Over Steering Blacks and Latinos to Subprime Loans

Wells Fargo and the Justice Department have reached a $175 million settlement agreement over charges that the bank routinely steered black and Latino borrowers into expensive, dangerous subprime home loans throughout the housing bubble.
Wells Fargo has been a standout bad actor among banks, both during the subprime lending boom and the recession it spawned. Watchdogs have shown that Wells Fargo fails to maintain foreclosed properties in black and Latino communities with the same care it does in white neighborhoods, leading to further depression of home values and more blight. Its mortgage servicing arm has been at the center of complaints about banks’ refusal to work with underwater borrowers, despite massive federal incentives. And it is an industry leader among banks that are launching their own versions of payday loans, which are such significant debt traps that the Defense Department has identified them as a national security threat and Congress has barred lenders from making them to servicemembers.
The Justice Department charges that Wells Fargo, which is the nation’s largest originator of home loans, steered tens of thousands of black and Latino borrowers into more expensive loans, while white borrowers with the same credit profile received prime loans. Research has shown that black communities around the country lost hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth during the foreclosure crisis, widening the racial wealth gap to historic proportions.
In a release this morning, the Justice Department describes the steering settlement, which must be approved by the court:
The Department of Justice today filed the second largest fair lending settlement in the department’s history to resolve allegations that Wells Fargo Bank, the largest residential home mortgage originator in the United States, engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination against qualified African-American and Hispanic borrowers in its mortgage lending from 2004 through 2009.
The settlement provides $125 million in compensation for wholesale borrowers who were steered into subprime mortgages or who paid higher fees and rates than white borrowers because of their race or national origin. Wells Fargo will also provide $50 million in direct down payment assistance to borrowers in communities around the country where the department identified large numbers of discrimination victims and which were hard hit by the housing crisis.
Additionally, Wells Fargo has agreed to conduct an internal review of its retail mortgage lending and will compensate African-American and Hispanic retail borrowers who were placed into subprime loans when similarly qualified white retail borrowers received prime loans. Compensation paid to any retail borrowers identified in the review process will be in addition to the $125 million to compensate wholesale borrowers who were victims of discrimination.

via colorlines.com


Kobe at work in the Zoom Kobe VII "USA"

06/16/12 Nike Kobe VII
488371-102 White/Obsidian-University Red-Pure Platinum

David Potts Sr. of Gulfport, MS Receives Congressional Gold Medal

GULFPORT, MISS. — David Potts Sr. and 400 other surviving Montford Point Marines, the nation's first group of black Marines, have been honored at the U.S. Marine Barracks in Washington.
The Marines, all of whom were well into their 80s, were the nation's first group of black Marines who served in a segregated military during World War II.

The 88-year-old Potts tells the Sun Herald that the Marines dealt with discrimination at home and abroad.

But in Washington, they were greeted by Gen. James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, congressional leaders and other officials.

"It was quite an honor, but I thought it was a little late, coming after 70 years," Potts said.

The Montford Marines once totaled 20,000. Potts says he could be the only surviving one from Mississippi. The locals he had joined with are all dead. One of them, John Hall Jr., of Gulfport, died in May.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 gave black men the opportunity to serve in the Marines, but they weren't allowed to train alongside whites.

Potts and the others were trained at Montford Point, N.C.

Potts remembers heading off to war in the Pacific, riding on big ships to get there. He and his fellow black Marines were relegated to sleeping bags placed outside on the decks of the ships because they weren't allowed in the living quarters.

The Montford Point Marines fought at Okinawa and other battles. Potts was a driver mostly, hauling supplies to battle zones. It was a dangerous job.

"It was only for the pure of heart to serve then," Potts said. "You had to fight both the system and the Japanese."

Being home in the U.S. in the 1940s wasn't easy, either.

When Potts was heading back to North Carolina to continue training following a short leave, he boarded a bus full of military personnel. The driver wouldn't allow Potts to use a seat and forced him to stand for most of the long trip. Potts said a white sailor offered him his seat.

Potts returned to Gulfport and raised six children and two stepchildren, several whom joined the military or had children who did. He said this week he had enthusiastically offered them much support in their decisions to enlist.
Written by
The Associated Press